B2B sales represent a significant opportunity for revenue growth. However, the vertical is uniquely challenging due to a lack of prospect information, the time it takes to qualify leads, and the complexity of selling higher-cost services. To address these challenges and maximize B2B profitability, providers need to collect businesses' backgrounds more efficiently and sell the optimal configuration of products and services more effectively. Actifai B2B helps providers improve on both fronts.

the right offer, for the right customer, at the right time

Increasing business subscribers requires significant research and outbound sales effort — costly, but with a high payoff. With limited resources, prioritizing who to reach out to is key. From there, knowing what products and services meet the target business’ needs most precisely improves the likelihood of acquiring a new customer. Actifai B2B scores outbound leads and identifies the optimized offer for inbound and outbound prospects, so providers can present their best offer every time.

1 increases sales effectiveness
Instead of leaving the offer decision solely in the hands of an agent, B2B provides a tailored recommendation for every prospective business customer, and the unique selling points to back it up. Agents can sell with confidence knowing that they have data and rationale to support an offer and its relevance to a business.
2 estimates prospective purchasing capacity
B2B gives real-time insights into the size, revenue, sales history, and previous products sold to a prospective business before you get on the phone. B2B’s AI targeting uncovers the likely budget a potential customer has for their services spend, and recommends the optimal offer for each individual business.
3 recommends the best offer
By learning across a vast dataset of past sales, Actifai’s machine learning models predict the expected value of products and services that a prospective customer is likely to purchase and recommends the right offer to help your outbound agents close more sales.
4 drastic decreases in needed research time
B2B users have reported saving as much as 25 minutes of research time per prospective business, thanks to data natively gathered and surfaced by Actifai. Now agents can focus on the selling they do best, rather than figuring out who to sell to.
5 minimizes training time and productivity ramping
Training for Actifai B2B takes as little as one hour, thanks to our platform’s modern UI and simple structure. Compared to many legacy systems, agents using B2B are faster and more productive than ever before.
6 delivers near network/new buildout intelligence
Instead of guessing where to extend your network, B2B surfaces data from your existing service footprint so you can optimally rank buildout locations by the value of services prospective customers are likely to buy if service is made available.
preemptive discovery

preemptive discovery

Key questions for most B2B teams include: what factors impact this business’ buy decision? Who is the decision maker? Should we build out from our existing network to provide service? How best should we focus on increasing capture of our existing base? Actifai B2B was designed with these challenges and more in mind.

B2B customers can set a variety of metrics based on their goals – how far from net to include, target priority, estimated purchase budget and likelihood, previous sales history, industry, number of employees, and more. With these strategic markers, B2B’s data gathering ingests information about business targets in and near your competitive footprint, and our AI learns across our offer/outcome set to determine what offers are most likely to attract each prospect. Your agents spend less time researching targets in Discovery, and our recommendations simplify the choice even further.

smart recommendations > open-ended choices

Our results have proven that presenting a customer with one ideal offer, rather than overwhelming them with a menu of choices, results in better outcomes for customers and providers alike. B2B generates a package of products and services tailored to an individual business’ needs and purchase capacity. Equipped with a targeted offer designed to convert, agents sell with confidence on every call. With over a million offer and outcome pairs under our belt, B2B helps you make offers that maximize the likelihood of acquisition, basket size, service cost, and CLTV.

mark smith, owner 30+ employees, Industry: Finance, Average lookalike business speeds: 1gb, Estimated services budget: ﹥$25k/year Do you require hardware and professional installation? How many devices will be connected simultaneously? recommended offer We recommend our Blast Pro 1gb package with WiFi extension hubs, and our premium all-in-one modem/router at $1150/month, discounted by $100/month for your first 24 months selling point This offer is around $200/month less than our competitor’s comparable speed, and with this package you’ll can have 20+ video calls and meeting rooms running simultaneously, without choppiness or delays.

technology for efficiency

B2B is just one component of our powerful platform, designed from the ground up to make sales operations faster and more efficient for your agents. By integrating natively into our customers’ business sales flow, we’ve made it easy to deploy other components of Actifai for your residential or ecommerce-based sales. Plus, as part of the Actifai platform, B2B’s core technology is constantly evolving and improving, so you can count on tomorrow’s results as much as today’s.


seamless integration

B2B integrates seamlessly with existing CRM and CX platforms and is configurable to meet your operational needs, helping make it easy to enhance your agents selling efficiency.


machine learning

Machine learning models combine rich predictive data with over a million offer and outcome pairs, allowing providers’ offer recommendations to adapt with changing business needs and preferences.


AI-powered offer recommendations

Artificial intelligence eliminates choice overload, identifying a single recommended offer that aligns with a business’ needs, reflects their competitive options, and maximizes ARPU and CLTV.


competitive comparisons

With B2B, agents can quickly reference a business prospect’s other service options to present a competitively-advantaged package with confidence and context.


smart upsell / cross-sell

Identify in real-time the customers who are most likely to purchase, and benefit from the introduction of add-on products or higher-tier packages.


reliable serviceability

Machine learning-backed address validation/matching and serviceability verification minimizes ‘false negatives’ and helps sales teams prioritize strategically around near-net or build-out objectives.

providers using b2b are increasing business sales revenue by an average 20%

Get a demo of B2B, ask our executives the hard questions, and learn how our pilot is designed to make testing Actifai as frictionless and profitable as possible.